Supported 3RNET Safety Net Credentials

Find professionals with a desire to serve rural and underserved communities! Learn more about each Safety Net Credential below

AHEC Scholars

The National AHEC Organization (NAO) offers students in health professions training programs a two-year curriculum in addition to their health professions program. Upon completion of this program, students are granted the AHEC Scholar designation.

AHEC Scholars are likely to be more well-rounded and knowledgeable than their peers, distinguishing themselves with a perspective born of the study of vital aspects of patient care which may not be covered in traditional programs of study.

AHEC Scholars include students who may be particularly motivated to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills that are critical to working in underserved communities.

Applicable majors for AHEC Scholars include physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, dentists, psychologists, pharmacists, optometrists, community health workers, public health and allied health professionals, or other health professionals, as practicable.

AHEC Scholars Core Topics
Educational and training activities will support the following eight (8) Core Topics:

  • Interprofessional Education (also known as interdisciplinary training)
  • Behavioral Health Integration
  • Connecting Communities and Supporting Health Professionals
  • Virtual Learning and Telehealth
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Cultural Competency
  • Practice Transformation
  • Current and emerging health issues

Learn more about AHEC Scholars by visiting the National AHEC Organization website or to verify a professional's credenital, contact


Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional (CRHCP)

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARCH) offers Directors, Clinic Administrators & other RHC leaders a unique full-spectrum course designed to teach how to operate a successful Rural Health Clinic.

Professionals who complete the CRHCP course are taking the initiative to keep current with relevant knowledge and skills within their current and/or future roles. The CRHCP certification shows that the employee is taking the time to gain additional knowledge in their role or learn a new skill to be able to advance within the organization. 

The CRHCP Course consists of 4 modules: Admin & Finance, Billing & Coding, Regulatory Compliance & Quality, and Federal Updates. The credential is only provided to those who successfully pass the final exam.

Learn more about the CRHCP credential by visiting the National Association of Rural Health Clinics website or to verify a professional's credenital, contact